q-nonlinear Schrodinger and q-nonlinear Klein–Gordon equations in the frame work of GUP
B Khosropour, M Eghbali, S Ghorbanali, General Relativity and Gravitation 50
(3), 25(2018)
The role of trapped electrons and charge dust fluctuation on dust-ion-acoustic solitary wave
A. Abdikian, M. Eghbali
Indian Journal of Physics Springer India page 1-9 (2022)
Drift ion-acoustic waves in a nonuniform rotating magnetoplasma with two-temperature superthermal electrons
A Abdikian, M. Eghbali, A P Misra, Physica Scripta, vol 97, 045603(2022)
Optical limiting characteristics of platinum and gold nanoparticles based on thermal nonlinear refraction,
Mina Esamifar٭ , Mohammad Eghbali, Mojtaba Mokari, Journal of Research on Many-body Systems, Vo1 12, page 11-22, (2022)
Nonlinear Electrostatic Excitations in Magnetized Plasma with Mono-Energetic Electron Beam
Some conference papers
M Mokari, M Eghbali, 2018. “Monte Carlo simulation of the DNA and cell damage induced by SEM”. The 2nd Local Conference of Mathematical Science and Applications, Behbahan Khatam Alanbia University of Technology, Behbahan, Iran
M Eghbali, M Mokari, 2018. “Obtaining the nonlinear differential equation for sound waves in dusty plasma with consideration of loss and transverse perturbations due to spherical geometry of Tokamak”. The 2nd Local Conference of Mathematical Science and Applications, Behbahan Khatam Alanbia University of Technology, Behbahan, Iran.