Reza Shakeri

Faculty of Natural Resources
Department of  Environmental Sciences
PhD, Environmental Sciences,Land use planning and EIA, Malayer University, Iran,2019
M.Sc., Natural Resources,Environmental Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran,2004
B.Sc.,Natural Resources,Environmental Sciences, Tehran, Iran,2001
Phone Number: 061-52721191 
Update: 2024/04/15


Director of computer site and internet network of Faculty of Natural Resources of Shahid Chamran University

Manager of the Department of Environment, Faculty of Natural Resources, Khatam Al Anbia Behbahan University of Technology in the years 2007, 2010 and 2019.

Sugarcane & By Products Development Company

Collaboration with Sugarcane & By Products Development Company as an environmental expert, 2004 -2005

Membership in the Iranian Environment Impact Assessment Association since 2001

Official expert of justice in natural environment

Member  of the Research Council of Khatam Al Anbia Behbahan University of Technology from 2019 to 2021
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