Papers published in journals:
1. Hajihashemi, S., kiarostami, K., Enteshari, S. and Saboora, A. 2006. The effects of salt stress and paclobutrazol on some physiological parameters of two salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive cultivars of wheat. Pakistan Journal of Biological Science, 9(7): 1370-1374.
2. Saboora, A., Kiarostami, K., behroozbayati, F. and Hajihashemi, S. 2006. Salinity (NaCl) tolerance of wheat genotypes at germination and early seedling growth. Pakistan Journal of Biological Science, 9(11): 2009-2021.
3. Hajihashemi, S. and Kiarostami, K. 2007. Effects of paclobutrazol and salt stress on growth and ionic contents of two cultivars of wheat. Pakistan Journal of Biological Science Pakistan Journal of Biological Science, 10(1):41-48.
4. Hajihashemi, S., kiarostami, K., Saboora, A. and Enteshari, S. 2007. Exogenously applied paclobutrazol modulates growth in salt-stressed wheat plants. Plant Growth Regulation, 53: 117-128.
5. Hajihashemi, S., kiarostami, K., Enteshari, S. and Saboora, A. 2009. Effects of paclobutrazol on salt tolerance in wheat at pollination stage. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 56( 2): 251-257.
6. Ehsanpour, A.A., Arab, L., Hajihashemi, S. and Riahi, M. 2012. Comparison of electrophoresis patterns of prolamins, glutellins, globulins and albomins proteins of four seed rice (Oryza sativa) cultivars. Taxonomy and Biosystematic, 12: 29-35.
7. Mirzabagheri, D., Hajihashemi, Sh., Yavarzadeh, M.R., Sepehri, H., Abaszadeh, M., Mostafaiee, M. and Soltani, 2012. Systematics of the Gracilariaceae (Rhodophyta) based on rbcL sequence analyses with emphasis on the Southern Coast of Iran. Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 18(4): 781-792.
8. Hajihashemi, S. and Ehsanpour, A. A. 2013. Influence of exogenously applied paclobutrazol on some physiological traits and growth of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni under in vitro drought stress. Biologia, 68: 414-420
9. Hajihashemi, S., Geuns J. M. C. and Ehsanpour, A. A. 2013. Gene transcription of steviol glycoside biosynthesis in Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni under polyethylene glycol, paclobutrazol and gibberellic acid treatments in vitro. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 35 (6): 2009-2014
10. Hajihashemi, S. Geuns J. M. C. 2013. Radical scavenging activity of steviol glycosides, steviol glucuronide, hydroxytyrosol, metformin, aspirin and leaf extract of Stevia rebaudiana. Free Radicals and Antioxidants, 3: 34-41
11. Hajihashemi, S. and Ehsanpour, A. A. 2014. Effect of Paclobutrazol and Drought Stress on Antioxidant Responses of Stevia rebaudiana B. under in vitro Culture. Applied Bichemistry and Biotechnology, 172 (8): 4038-52
12. Mirzabagheri, D., Derijani, S., Asadabadi, B., Hajihashemi, S., Mirzabagheri, D. and Sohrabipour, J. 2014. Effects of various environmental conditions on morphology, genetics and some physiological factors of 8 populations of red algae pertaining to Southern Coastlines of Iran. Journal of biodiversity and environmental Sciences, 4 (4): 93-105.
13. Hajihashemi, S. Geuns J. M. C. 2016. Gene transcription and steviol glycoside accumulation in Stevia rebaudiana under polyethylene glycol‐induced drought stress in greenhouse cultivation. FEBS Open Bio, 6 (9): 937–944
14. Hajihashemi, S., Geuns J. M. C. 2017. Steviol glycosides correlation to genes transcription revealed in gibberellin and paclobutrazol-treated Stevia rebaudiana. Journal of plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 26(4): 387-394.
15. Rajabpour, S. and Hajihashemi, S. 2017. Amelioration the effects of polyethylene glycol-induced drought stress on six cultivars of Alfalfa by paclobutrazol treatment. Journal of Plant Process and Function. 6(20): 37-486(20): 37-48.
16. Hajihashemi, S. 2017. Physiological, biochemical, antioxidant and growth characterization of gibberellin and paclobutrazol-treated sweet leaf (Stevia rebaudiana) herb. Journal of plant biochemistry and biotechnology, 24: 335-341.
17. Hajihashemi, S., Rajabpoor, S. and Djalovic, I. 2018. Antioxidant potential in Stevia rebaudiana callus in response to polyethylene glycol, paclobutrazol and gibberellin treatments, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants. 24
18. Hajihashemi, S., Sofo, A., The effect of polyethylene glycol–induced oxidative stress on photosynthesis, carbohydrates and cell membrane in Stevia rebaudiana grown in greenhouse, Acta Physiologiea Plantarum, 40: 142.
19. Hajihashemi, S., Noedoost, F., Geuns, J. M. C., Djalovic, I. and Kadambot, S. H. M. 2018. Effect of Cold Stress on Photosynthetic Traits, Carbohydrates, Morphology, and Anatomy in Nine Cultivars of Stevia rebaudiana. Frontiers in Plant Science.
20. Hajihashemi, S., Noedoost, F., Hedayatzadeh, F. 2019. Characterization of Brassica napus responses to diluted and undiluted industrial wastewater. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants. 25: 1469–1482.
21. Hajihashemi, S., Mbarki, S., Scalicky, M., Noedoost, F., Raeisi, M., Brestic, M. 2020. Effect of Wastewater Irrigation on Photosynthesis, Growth, and Anatomical Features of Two Wheat Cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.). Water, 12(2): 607.
22. Hajihashemi, S. Brestic, M., Khalaji, H., Noedoost, F. 2020. Environmental pollution is reflected in the activity of the photosynthetic apparatus. Photosynthetica, 58: 529-539.
23. Hajihashemi, S., Brestic., M., Landi, M., Skalicky, M. 2020. Resistance of Fritillaria imperialis to freezing stress through gene expression, osmotic adjustment and antioxidants. Scientific reports,
24. Hajihashemi, S., Skalicky, M., Brestic, M., Vachoa. P. 2020. Cross-talk between nitric oxide, hydrogen peroxide and calcium in salt-stressed Chenopodium quinoa Willd. At seed germination stage. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 154: 657-664.
25. Hajihashemi, S. 2020. Characterization of Exogenous Nitric Oxide Effect on Crocus sativus Response to Different Irrigation Regimes. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation,
26. Mbarki, S., Skalicky, M., Vachova, P., Hajihashemi, S., Jouini, L., Zivcak, M., Tlustos, P., Brestic, M., Hejnak, Zoghlami Khelil, A. 2020. Comparing Salt Tolerance at Seedling and Germination Stages in Local Populations of Medicago ciliaris L. to Medicago intertexta L. and Medicago scutellata L. Plants, 9(4): 526.
27. Milan S., Kubes,J., Vachova, P., Hajihashemi, S., Martinkova, J., Hejnak, V. 2020. Effect of Gibberellic Acid on Growing-Point Development of Non-Vernalized Wheat Plants under Long-Day Conditions. Plants, 19 (2); 1735.
28. Sytar, O., Brestic, M., Hajihashemi, S., Skalicky, M., Kubeš, J., Lamilla-Tamayo, L., Ibrahimova, U., Ibadullayeva, S., Landi., M. 2021. COVID-19 Prophylaxis Efforts Based on Natural Antiviral Plant Extracts and Their Compounds. Molecules, 26 (3): 727.
29. Ibrahimova, U., Kumari, P., Yadav, S., Rastogi, A., Antala, M., Suleymanova, Z., Zivcak, M., Tahjib-Ul-Arif, M., Hussain, S., Abdelhamid, M., Hajihashemi, S., Yang, X., Brestic, M. 2021. Progress in understanding salt stress response in plants using biotechnological tools. Journal of Biotechnology, 10;329:180-191
30. Hajihashemi, S., Jahantigh, O. 2022. Nitric Oxide Effect on growth, physiological and biochemical processes, flowering, and postharvest performance of Narcissus tazzeta. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation.
31. Hajihashemi S, Rajabpoor S, Schat H. 2023. Acid mine drainage (AMD) endangers pomegranate trees nearby a copper mine. Science of the Total Environment. 19:164269.
32. Fani E, Hajihashemi S. 2023. Investigation of the effect of silica spraying and salinity stress on some physiological traits of Camelina sativa oil plant. Journal of Plant Environmental Physiology. 69(1): 149-159.
33. Hajihashemi, S. Jahantigh, O. 2023. Paclobutrazol effect on Narcissus tazetta: A guide to understanding endogenous cues improved flowering. Iranian Journal of Plant Physiology. 4(13): 4757-4769.
34. Salehi-Eskandari, B., Kazemi Renani, S. & Hajihashemi, S. Evaluation of physiological and morphological responses of Salix alba and Salix babylonica to witches’ broom gall. Eur J Plant Pathol 169, 395–408 (2024).
35. Hajihashemi, S., Jahantigh, O. Acclimation to salinity stress through maintaining the redox status by H2O2 and arginine application in Vicia faba. Biologia 79, 2629–2638 (2024).
Papers presented in congress:
1. IBC 2005, XVII international botanical congress, Vienna, Austria, 17-23 July 2005. The effects of salt stress and paclobutrazol on some morphological parameters in sensitive and resiastant cultivars of wheat.
2. IBC, First international Iranian congress on biological science, Karaj, Tehran, Iran, 14-15 December 2005. The study on effects of salt stress and paclobutrazol on two resistant and sensitive cultivars of wheat.
3. Biology, Society, a Glance at future, The 2nd nation wide conference of biology students, Ferdousi university, Mashhad, Iran, 11-13 May 2006. The study on effects of salt stress and paclobutrazol on some physiological parameters of two cultivars of wheat in tillering stage.
4. IBC 2006, 14th national & 2nd international conference of biology, Tarbiat Modares university, Tehran, Iran, 29-31 Agust 2006. The study on effect of paclobutrazol on reducing salt stress on two salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive cultivars of wheat
5. IBC، 2nd international Biology congress، Azad university، Tehran، Iran، 17-18 February 2008. Effect of Paclobutrazolon salt tolerance on a salt sensitive cultivar of wheat (Triticum aestivum) at pollination stage
6. Iranian Biological Society 2008, The 15h Iranian & 3rd international conference of biology, Tehran University, Iran. Study on Wheat Plant Response to Paclobutrazol Treatment and Salt Stress
7. 8th International Conference "Eco-physiological aspects of plant responses to stress factors" September 16-21, 2009, Cracow, Poland. Mechanisms of salt-tolerant in wheat under paclobutrazol treatment. Poster presentation
8. 8th International Conference"Eco-physiological aspects of plant responses to stress factors" September 16-21, 2009, Cracow, Poland. Influence of paclobutrazol and salt stress on a salt-sensitive cultivar of wheat. Oral presentation
9. 6th Stevia Symposium 2012 organized by EUSTAS, KULeuven, 3-4 July, Leuven, Belgium. Molecular and physiological analysis of Stevia rebaudiana after treatment with polyethylene glycol, paclobutrazol and gibberellic acid. pp. 71-97. Oral presentation.
10. 6th Stevia Symposium 2012 organized by EUSTAS, KULeuven, 3-4 July, Leuven, Belgium. Radical scavenging activity of steviol glycosides, steviol glucuronide and crude Stevia extract. pp. 157-181. Oral presentation.
11. 1st Plant Stress Congress 2012 organized by Plant Center of Excellence, University of Isfahan, 31-1 October-November, Isfahan, Iran. Study on the effect of drought stress and paclobutrazol on growth, carbohydrates and photosynthetic pigments in Stevia rebaudiana in vitro. Poster presentation.
12. 8th Stevia Symposium 2012 organized by EUSTAS, 27-28 January, Bonn, Germany. Response of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni to Poly-ethylene glycol Treatment. Oral presentation.
Book Chapter:
1. Leaf Sweeteners: Resources, Processing and Health Effects, 2014. Chapter Title: Stevia and Steviol Glycosides: Pharmacological Effects and Radical Scavenging Activity, pp., 123-149. ISBN: 978-1-63463-084-9. Nova Science Publishers, New York.
2. Mechanisms Behind Phytohormonal Signalling and Crop Abiotic Stress Tolerance, 2017. Chapter title: Abscisic Acid Signaling and Abiotic Stress Tolerance, pp., 169-188. ISBN: 978-1-53610-695-4. Nova Science Publisher, New York.
3. Molecular Plant Abiotic Stress: Biology and Biotechnology. 2019. Chapter title: Stomatal regulation as a drought tolerance mechanism, PP., 45-64. Wiley Publisher.
4. Steviol Glycosides Production, Properties, and Applications. 2020. Chapter title: Agronomic practice. PP., 31-56. Elsevier publisher.