مجتبی مکاری بهبهان

دانشکده : علوم پایه
گروه آموزشی : فیزیک
دکتری فیزیک هسته ای-پرتودرمانی، دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان
کارشناسی ارشد فیزیک هسته ای، دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان
کارشناسی فیزیک کاربردی، دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز
پست الکترونيک: mokari@bkatu.ac.ir, mojtaba.mokari@gmail.com
شماره تلفن دفتر کار: 52721191 - 061  داخلی 2312
تاريخ بروزرساني: 1403/11/17


 مقالات چاپ شده علمی-پژوهشی، ISC و ISI:

  1.  M Mokari, H Moeini, & M Eslamifar. 2024. "Monte Carlo investigation of the nucleus size effect and cell’s oxygen content on the damage efficiency of protons", Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express 10(6), 065007.
  2. E Fani, & M Mokari. 2024. "Using machine learning to model different levels of salinity stress and silica fertilization of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.)", Nova Biologica Reperta 11(2), 57-70.
  3. H Moeini, & M Mokari. 2023. "Simulations of DNA damage types and frequencies induced by carbon ions", Iranian Journal of Physics Research 23(2), 307-313.
  4. M Mokari, & H Moeini. 2023. "Study of electron microdosimetry using experimental cross-sections compared to the default cross-sections of the Geant4-DNA code", Iranian Journal of Radiation Safety and Measurement 12(1), 37-46.
  5. M Mokari, E Bigdeli, & MH Alamatsaz. 2023. "Investigating the damage of the genetic material of the cell induced by protons and carbon ions with the MCDS code compared to the results of the Geant4-DNA Monte Carlo code", Iranian Journal of Physics Research, 23(1), 55-63.
  6. M Mokari. 2023. "Calculation of microdosimetric quantities of low energy electrons in subcellular structures using the Geant4-DNA code", Iranian Journal of Radiation Safety and Measurement 11(1), 39-44.
  7. M Mokari, H Moeini, & S Farazmand. 2023. "Computational modeling and a Geant4-DNA study of the rejoining of direct and indirect DNA damage induced by low energy electrons and carbon ions", International Journal of Radiation BIology 99(9) 1391-1404.
  8. H Moeini, & M Mokari. 2022. “DNA damage and microdosimetry for carbon ions: Track structure simulations as the key to quantitative modeling of radiation-induced damage”, Medical Physics 49(7) 4823-4836.
  9. S Farazmand, M Mokari, & MH Alamatsaz. 2022. “Modeling the NHEJ repair of DNA damage induced by electrons calculated using the MCNPX and Geant4-DNA codes”, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 43(4) 59-66.
  10. M Eslamifar, M Eghbali, & M Mokari2022. “Optical limiting characteristics of platinum and gold nanoparticles based on thermal nonlinear refraction”, Journal of Research on Many-body Systems 12(1) 11-22. 
  11. M Mokari, H Moeini, & M Soleimani. 2021. "Calculation of microdosimetric spectra for protons using Geant4-DNA and a μ-randomness sampling algorithm for the nanometric structures", International Journal of Radiation Biology 97(2), 208-218.
  12. M Mokari, H Moeini, M Soleimani, & E Fereidouni 2020. "Calculation and comparison of the direct and indirect DNA damage induced by low energy electrons using default and CPA100 cross section models within Geant4-DNA", Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research B 480, 56-66.
  13. M Mokari, H Moeini, & M Eghbali 2020. "Modeling the distribution of deposited energy by alpha particles from Radon 223 decay and its effect on DNA", Iranian Journal of Radiation Safety and Measurement, 8(3), 65-71.
  14. H Moeini, M Mokari, MH Alamatsaz, & R Taleei. 2020. "Calculation of the initial DNA damage induced by alpha particles in comparison with protons and electrons using Geant4-DNA", International Journal of Radiation Biology 96(6), 767-778.
  15. M Mokari, H Moeini, & MH Alamatsaz. 2019. “Monte Carlo simulation of microscopic DNA damage by 30 keV electrons using Geant4-DNA”. Iranian Journal of Physics Research 19(3), 621-628.
  16. M Mokari, MH Alamatsaz, H Moeini, AA Babaei-Brojeny, & R Taleei. 2018. “Track structure simulation of low energy electron damage to DNA using Geant4-DNA”. Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express 4(6), 065009.
  17. M Mokari, MH Alamatsaz, H Moeini, & R Taleei. 2018. “A simulation approach for determining the spectrum of DNA damage induced by protons”. Physics in Medicine & Biology 63, 175003.
  18. M Mokari, Y Shahamat, MH Alamatsaz, AA Babaei-Brojeny, & H Moeini. 2018. “The effect of material nonlinearity on the band gap for TE and TM modes in square and triangular lattices”, Iranian Journal of Physics Research 18(3), 87- 90.
  19. A A Babaei-Brojeny, & M Mokari. 2011. “An analysis of the applications of the modified Kratzer potential”. Physica Scripta 84(4), 045003.
  20. M H Alamatsaz, & M Mokari. 2011. "Calculating gamma ray exposure buildup factors for plane source and double stratified layers of water and lead and investigating effect of coherent scattering on these factors, Iranian Journal of Physics Research 10(4), 295-300.

 مقالات ارائه شده در کنفرانس‌های داخلی و خارجی::

  1. M Mokari, & H Moeini. 2024. “Studying the effect of target cell nucleus size on microdosimetry of proton beams”, The Annual Physics Conference of Iran, University of Arak, Arak, Iran.
  2. M Mokari, & H Moeini. 2024. “An inter-comparison between cell damage induced by protons by MCDS and Geant4-DNA Monte Carlo codes”, The Annual Physics Conference of Iran, University of Arak, Arak, Iran.
  3. M Mokari, & H Moeini. 2023. “Simulations of DNA damage induced by carbon ions in comparison with protons and alpha particles”, The Annual Physics Conference of Iran, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.
  4. M Mokari, & E Fereidouni. 2023. "Linear energy modeling of electrons in subcellular structures using microdosimetry stochastic equations", The 2nd International and 4th National Conference on Biomathematics, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran.
  5. S Farazmand, M Mokari & MH Alamatsaz. 2022. “Repair of double-strand break in DNA induced by low-energy electrons in G1 and early S phases of the cell cycle”, The Annual Physics Conference of Iran, University of Sistan & Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran.
  6. Z Fathi-Hossein-Abadi, M Hasanvand, M Mokari, & N Nejat-Bakhsh. 2021. “Investigation of increasing and decreasing field of view in the PET imaging system by the GATE code”. Fifth Iranian Particle Acceleration Conference, Tehran, Iran.
  7. H Moeini, & M Mokari. 2021. “Simulations for low-energy electrons in the cell nucleus and calculating the resulting damage, utilizing experimental cross sections within Geant4-DNA”. The Annual Nuclear Conference of Iran,Ferdowsi University Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.
  8. Z Fathi-Hossein-Abadi, M Hasanvand, M Mokari, & N Nejat-Bakhsh. 2021. “Simulations for the detectors used in the PET imaging system by the GATE code”. The Annual Nuclear Conference of Iran, Ferdowsi University Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.
  9. M Mokari, & H Moeini. 2020. “Calculation of microdosimetric spectra of protons for living microscopic structures using Geant4-DNA ”. The Annual Physics Conference of Iran, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.
  10. H Moeini, & M Mokari. 2020. “Simulations for the induced initial DNA damage by alpha particles in comparison with protons and electrons”. The Annual Iranian Nuclear Conference, Khajeh Nasir Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
  11. H Moeini, & M Mokari. 2019. “Simulating the DNA damage spectrum induced by primary protons”. The Annual Physics Conference of Iran, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.
  12. R Taleei, & M Mokari. 2019. “Track Structure Simulation of DNA Damage Induced by Electron, Proton, and Alpha Particles”. 61st Annual Meeting and Exhibition American Association of Physicists in Medicine, At: Texas, USA, (Published in Medical Physics 46 (6), E667, 2019).
  13. M Eghbali, & M Mokari, 2018. “Obtaining the nonlinear differential equation for sound waves in dusty plasma with consideration of loss and transverse perturbations due to spherical geometry of Tokamak”. The 2nd Local Conference of Mathematical Science and Applications, Behbahan Khatam Alanbia University of Technology, Behbahan, Iran.
  14. M Mokari, & M Eghbali, 2018. “Monte Carlo simulation of the DNA and cell damage induced by SEM”. The 2nd Local Conference of Mathematical Science and Applications, Behbahan Khatam Alanbia University of Technology, Behbahan, Iran.
  15. M Mokari, MH Alamatsaz, & H Moeini. 2018. “Calculation of the DNA damage by Monte Carlo simulation of the low-energy electrons using Geant4-DNA”. The Annual Physics Conference of Iran, Emam Khomeini International University, Ghazvin, Iran.
  16. Y Shahamat, M Hosseini-Farzad, & M Mokari. 2013. “Investigation and Simulation of Transmissional Spectrum for Linear and Nonlinear Photonic Crystals”. The Annual Iranian Conference on Optics and Laser Engineering, Maleke-Ashtar University of Technology, Iran.


  1. پژوهشگر برتر گروه علوم پایه در سال 1399 در دانشگاه صنعتی خاتم الانبیاء(ص) بهبهان
  2. پژوهشگر برتر گروه علوم پایه در سال 1402 در دانشگاه صنعتی خاتم الانبیاء(ص) بهبهان


داوری مجله:

  • - Physics in Medicine and Biology
  • - Radiation Research
  • - Journal of Clinical Medicine
  • - Pharmaceuticals
  • - Current Oncology
  • - International Journal of Molecular Sciences
  • - Journal of Personalized Medicine
  • - Applied Sciences (MDPI)
  • - Gastroenterology Insights
  • - Diagnostics
  • - Medicina
  • - Molecules
  • - Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences
  • - Tomography
  • - Cells
  • - Brain Sciences
  • - Journal of Medical Signals & Sensors
  • - Iranian Journal of Radiation Safety and Measurement
  • - Iranian Journal of Physics Research

کتاب‌های تالیفی و ترجمه:

  1.  یدالله شهامت، مجتبی مکاری ،خدارحم قندی. 1392،" آزمایش‌های فیزیک الکتریسیته و مغناطیس"، انتشارات ارم شیراز

مقالات در سایت‌های علمی:

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