Zhou, X., Leng, Y., Salarijazi, M., Ahmadianfar, I., & Farooque, A. A. (2024). Development of forecasting of monthly SAR time series in river systems: A multivariate data decomposition-based hybrid approach. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 188, 1355-1375.
Valikhan Anaraki, M., Farzin, S., Ahmadianfar, I., & Shams, A. (2024). Development of A Novel Discharge Routing Method Based On the Large Discharge Dataset, Muskingum Model, Optimization Methods, and Multi-Criteria Decision Making. Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering, 8(4), 54-93.
Tao, H., Abba, S. I., Al-Areeq, A. M., Tangang, F., Samantaray, S., Sahoo, A., ... & Yaseen, Z. M. (2024). Hybridized artificial intelligence models with nature-inspired algorithms for river flow modeling: A comprehensive review, assessment, and possible future research directions. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 129, 107559.
Heddam, S., Al-Areeq, A. M., Tan, M. L., Ahmadianfar, I., Halder, B., Demir, V., ... & Yaseen, Z. M. (2024). New formulation for predicting total dissolved gas supersaturation in dam reservoir: application of hybrid artificial intelligence models based on multiple signal decomposition. Artificial Intelligence Review, 57(4), 85.
Hai, T., Ahmadianfar, I., Halder, B., Heddam, S., Al-Areeq, A. M., Demir, V., ... & Yaseen, Z. M. (2024). Surface water quality index forecasting using multivariate complementing approach reinforced with locally weighted linear regression model. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-25.
Salarijazi, M., Ahmadianfar, I., & Yaseen, Z. M. (2024). Prediction enhancement for surface water sodium adsorption ratio using limited inputs: Implementation of hybridized stacked ensemble model with feature selection algorithm. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 134, 103561.
Tao, H., Ahmadianfar, I., Goliatt, L., Kazmi, S. S. U. H., Yassin, M. A., Oudah, A. Y., ... & Yaseen, Z. M. (2024). PM2. 5 concentration forecasting: Development of integrated multivariate variational mode decomposition with kernel Ridge regression and weighted mean of vectors optimization. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 15(6), 102125.
Sa’adi, Z., Al-Suwaiyan, M. S., Yaseen, Z. M., Tan, M. L., Goliatt, L., Heddam, S., ... & Shafik, S. S. (2024). Observed and future shifts in climate zone of Borneo based on CMIP6 models. Journal of Environmental Management, 360, 121087.
Moslemzadeh, M., Farzin, S., Karami, H., & Ahmadianfar, I. (2023). Introducing improved atom search optimization (IASO) algorithm: Application to optimal operation of multi-reservoir systems. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 131, 103415.
Ahmadianfar, I., Samadi-Koucheksaraee, A., & Asadzadeh, M. (2022). Extract nonlinear operating rules of multi-reservoir systems using an efficient optimization method. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 18880.
Jamei, M., Ali, M., Karbasi, M., Xiang, Y., Ahmadianfar, I., & Yaseen, Z. M. (2022). Designing a multi-stage expert system for daily ocean wave energy forecasting: A multivariate data decomposition-based approach. Applied Energy, 326, 119925.
Chen, H., Ahmadianfar, I., Liang, G., Bakhsizadeh, H., Azad, B., & Chu, X. (2022). A successful candidate strategy with Runge-Kutta optimization for multi-hydropower reservoir optimization. Expert Systems with Applications, 209, 118383.
Jamei, M., Ahmadianfar, I., Karbasi, M., Malik, A., Kisi, O., & Yaseen, Z. M. (2023). Development of wavelet-based kalman online sequential extreme learning machine optimized with boruta-random forest for drought index forecasting. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 117, 105545.
Ahmadianfar, I., Samadi-Koucheksaraee, A., & Razavi, S. (2023). Design of optimal operating rule curves for hydropower multi-reservoir systems by an influential optimization method. Renewable Energy, 211, 508-521.
Keramat, A., Ahmadianfar, I., Duan, H. F., & Hou, Q. (2023). Spectral transient-based multiple leakage identification in water pipelines: An efficient hybrid gradient-metaheuristic optimization. Expert Systems with Applications, 224, 120021.
Ahmadianfar, I., Heidari, A. A., Noshadian, S., Chen, H., & Gandomi, A. H. (2022). INFO: An efficient optimization algorithm based on weighted mean of vectors. Expert Systems with Applications, 195, 116516.
Pandey, M., Jamei, M., Ahmadianfar, I., Karbasi, M., Lodhi, A. S., & Chu, X. (2022). Assessment of scouring around spur dike in cohesive sediment mixtures: A comparative study on three rigorous machine learning models. Journal of Hydrology, 606, 127330.
Tao, H., Jamei, M., Ahmadianfar, I., Khedher, K. M., Farooque, A. A., & Yaseen, Z. M. (2022). Discharge coefficient prediction of canal radial gate using neurocomputing models: an investigation of free and submerged flow scenarios. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 16(1), 1-19.
Jamei, M., Ahmadianfar, I., Karbasi, M., Jawad, A. H., Farooque, A. A., & Yaseen, Z. M. (2021). The assessment of emerging data-intelligence technologies for modeling Mg+ 2 and SO4− 2 surface water quality. Journal of Environmental Management 300, 113774.
Fang, Y., Ahmadianfar, I., Samadi-Koucheksaraee, A., Azarsa, R., Scholz, M., & Yaseen, Z. M. (2021). An accelerated gradient-based optimization development for multi-reservoir hydropower systems optimization. Energy Reports 7, 7854-7877.
Pandey, M., Jamei, M., Karbasi, M., Ahmadianfar, I., & Chu, X. (2021). Prediction of maximum scour depth near spur dikes in uniform bed sediment using stacked generalization ensemble tree-based frameworks. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 147(11), 04021050.
Ahmadianfar, I., Gong, W., Heidari, A. A., Golilarz, N. A., Samadi-Koucheksaraee, A., & Chen, H. (2021). Gradient-based optimization with ranking mechanisms for parameter identification of photovoltaic systems. Energy Reports 7, 3979-3997.
Jamei, M., Ahmadianfar, I., Jamei, M., Karbasi, M., Heidari, A. A., & Chen, H. (2022). Estimating daily global solar radiation in hot semi-arid climate using an efficient hybrid intelligent system. The European Physical Journal Plus, 137(3), 1-25.
Abdollahi, A., & Ahmadianfar, I. (2021). Multi-mechanism ensemble interior search algorithm to derive optimal hedging rule curves in multi-reservoir systems. Journal of Hydrology, 598, 126211.
Ahmadianfar, I., Heidari, A. A., Gandomi, A. H., Chu, X., & Chen, H. (2021). RUN Beyond the Metaphor: An Efficient Optimization Algorithm Based on Runge Kutta Method. Expert Systems with Applications, 115079.
Ahmadianfar, I., Kheyrandish, A., Jamei, M., & Gharabaghi, B. (2021). Optimizing operating rules for multi-reservoir hydropower generation systems: An adaptive hybrid differential evolution algorithm. Renewable Energy, 167, 774-790.
Ahmadianfar, I., Jamei, M., Karbasi, M., Sharafati, A., & Gharabaghi, B. (2021). A novel boosting ensemble committee-based model for local scour depth around non-uniformly spaced pile groups. Engineering with Computers, 1-23.
Jamei, M., Ahmadianfar, I., Chu, X., & Yaseen, Z. M. (2021). Estimation of triangular side orifice discharge coefficient under a free flow condition using data-driven models. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 77, 101878.
Ahmadianfar, I., Bozorg-Haddad, O., & Chu, X. (2020). Gradient-based optimizer: A new Metaheuristic optimization algorithm. Information Sciences, 540, 131-159.
Jamei, M., Ahmadianfar, I., Olumegbon, I. A., Karbasi, M., & Asadi, A. (2021). On the assessment of specific heat capacity of nanofluids for solar energy applications: Application of Gaussian process regression (GPR) approach. Journal of Energy Storage, 33, 102067.
Ahmadianfar, I., & Zamani, R. (2020). Assessment of the hedging policy on reservoir operation for future drought conditions under climate change. Climatic Change, 159(2), 253-268.
Khordehbin, S., Hojati, S., Landi, A., & Ahmadianfar, I. (2020). Comparison of CO2 and CH4 emissions from selected land uses of Behbahan city. Journal of Natural Environment, 73(3), 457-470.
Jamei, M., Ahmadianfar, I., Olumegbon, I. A., Asadi, A., Karbasi, M., Said, Z., ... & Meyer, J. P. (2021). On the specific heat capacity estimation of metal oxide-based nanofluid for energy perspective–A comprehensive assessment of data analysis techniques. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 123, 105217.
Naseri, A., Jamei, M., Ahmadianfar, I., & Behbahani, M. (2020). Nanofluids thermal conductivity prediction applying a novel hybrid data-driven model validated using Monte Carlo-based sensitivity analysis. Engineering with Computers, 1-25.
Ahmadianfar, I., Khajeh, Z., Asghari-Pari, S. A., & Chu, X. (2019). Developing optimal policies for reservoir systems using a multi-strategy optimization algorithm. Applied Soft Computing, 80, 888-903.
Ahmadianfar, I., Adib, A., & Salarijazi, M. (2015). Optimizing multireservoir operation: Hybrid of bat algorithm and differential evolution. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 142(2), 05015010.
Ahmadianfar, I., Adib, A., & Taghian, M. (2016). Optimization of fuzzified hedging rules for multipurpose and multireservoir systems. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 21(4), 05016003.
Ahmadianfar, I., Samadi-Koucheksaraee, A., & Bozorg-Haddad, O. (2017). Extracting Optimal Policies of Hydropower Multi-Reservoir Systems Utilizing Enhanced Differential Evolution Algorithm. Water Resources Management, 1-23.
Zamani, R., Akhond-Ali, A. M., Ahmadianfar, I., & Elagib, N. A. (2017). Optimal Reservoir Operation under Climate Change Based on a Probabilistic Approach. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 22(10), 05017019.
Taghian, M., & Ahmadianfar, I. (2017). Maximizing the Firm Energy Yield Preserving Total Energy Generation Via an Optimal Reservoir Operation. Water Resources Management, 1-14.
Samadi-koucheksaraee, A., Ahmadianfar, I., Bozorg-Haddad, O., & Asghari-pari, S. A. (2019). Gradient evolution optimization algorithm to optimize reservoir operation systems. Water resources management, 33(2), 603-625.
Jamei, M., & Ahmadianfar, I. (2019). Prediction of scour depth at piers with debris accumulation effects using linear genetic programming. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 1-12.
Ahmadianfar, I., Jamei, M., & Chu, X. (2019). Prediction of local scour around circular piles under waves using a novel artificial intelligence approach. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 1-12.
Ahmadianfar, I., Bozorg-Haddad, O., & Chu, X. (2019). Optimizing Multiple Linear Rules for Multi-Reservoir Hydropower Systems Using an Optimization Method with an Adaptation Strategy. Water Resources Management, 33(12), 4265-4286.
Gholizadeh, M., Jamei, M., Ahmadianfar, I., & Pourrajab, R. (2020). Prediction of nanofluids viscosity using random forest (RF) approach. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 104010.
Ahmadianfar, I., Jamei, M., & Chu, X. (2020). A novel hybrid wavelet-locally weighted linear regression (W-LWLR) model for electrical conductivity (EC) prediction in water surface. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 103641.
Ghadim, H. B., Salarijazi, M., Ahmadianfar, I., Heydari, M., & Zhang, T. (2020). Developing a Sediment Rating Curve Model Using the Curve Slope. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 29(2).
Sadeghian, M. S., Salarijazi, M., Ahmadianfar, I., & Heydari, M. (2016). Stage-Discharge relationship in tidal rivers for tidal flood condition. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 25(10), 4111-4117.
Jamei, M., Raeisi Isa Abadi, A., & Ahmadianfar, I. (2019). A Lax–Wendroff-IMPES scheme for a two-phase flow in porous media using interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin method. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, 75(5), 325-346.
Jamei, M., Ahmadianfar, I., Chu, X., & Yaseen, Z. M. (2020). Prediction of surface water total dissolved solids using hybridized wavelet-multigene genetic programming: New approach. Journal of Hydrology, 589, 125335.
Pourrajab, R., Ahmadianfar, I., Jamei, M., & Behbahani, M. (2020). A meticulous intelligent approach to predict thermal conductivity ratio of hybrid nanofluids for heat transfer applications. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 1-18.
Jamei, M., & Ahmadianfar, I. (2020). A rigorous model for prediction of viscosity of oil-based hybrid nanofluids. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 124827.
Ahmadianfar I, Adib A, & Taghian M. (2015). A MULTI-OBJECTIVE EVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHM USING DECOMPOSITION (MOEA/D) AND ITS APPLICATION IN MULTIPURPOSE MULTI-RESERVOIR OPERATIONS. International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering. 5 (2) :167-187
Ahmadianfar I, Adib A, & Taghian M. (2016) DETERMINATION OF OPTIMAL HEDGING RULE USING FUZZY SET THEORY FOR MULTI-RESERVOIR OPERATION. International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering. 2016; 6 (1) :27-42.