1. O. S. Fard, M. Shamsizadeh, Note on “Necessary optimality conditions for fuzzy variational problems, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 4 (2012), 1-9.
2. M. Shamsizadeh, M. M. Zahedi, Minimal Intutionistic General L-fuzzy Automata, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 35 (2015), 155-186.
3. M. Shamsizadeh, M. M. Zahedi, A note on “Quotient structures of intuitionistic fuzzy finite state machines”, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 51 (2016), 413-423.
4. M. Shamsizadeh, M. M. Zahedi, Intuitionistic general fuzzy automata, Soft Computing, 20 (2016), 3505-3519.
5. M. Shamsizadeh, M. M. Zahedi, Kh. Abolpour, Bisimulation for BL-general fuzzy automata, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 4 (2016), 35-50.
6. M. Shamsizadeh, M. M. Zahedi,”Minimal and statewise minimal intuitionistic general L-fuzzy automata”, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems (Invited Paper), 13(2017), 131-152.
7. M. Shamsizadeh, M. M. Zahedi, Kh. Abolpour, Admissible Partition for BL-general fuzzy automata, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 17(2018), 79-90.
8. M. Shamsizadeh, M. M. Zahedi, Kh. Abolpour, I-homomorphism for BL-I-general L-fuzzy automata, Journal of Mahani Mathematical Research Center, 7(2018), 57-77.
9. A. Saeidi Rashkolia, M. Shamsizadeh, Transformation of BL-general fuzzy automata, International Journal of Industrial Mathematics, 11 (2019), 177-187.
10. M. Shamsizadeh, M. M. Zahedi, Bisimulation of type 2 for BL-general fuzzy automata, Soft Computing, 23(2019), 9843-9852.
11. Kh. Abolpour, M. M. Zahedi, M. Shamsizadeh, BL-general Fuzzy Automata and Minimal Realization: Based on the Associated Categories, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 17 (2020), 155-169.
12. مرضیه شمسی زاده, محمد مهدی زاهدی, مروری بر اتوماتای فازی, سیستم های فازی و کاربردها, 1398, ش1, 69-78.
13. Kh. Abolpour, M. M. Zahedi, M. Shamsizadeh, New Directions in General Fuzzy Automata: A Dynamic-Logical View, AUT Journal of Mathematics and Computing, 2 (2020), 251-262.
14. مرضیه شمسی زاده, محمد مهدی زاهدی, مروری بر اتوماتای فازی 2(اتوماتای فازی عمومی), سیستم های فازی و کاربردها, 1399.
15. M. Shamsizadeh, M. M. Zahedi, Kh. Abolpour, Reduction of BL-general L-fuzzy automata, Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Information, 2020, In Press
16. Kh. Abolpour, M. M. Zahedi, M. Shamsizadeh, Myhill-Nerode Fuzzy Congruences and General Fuzzy Automata, Journal of New Researcher in Mathematics, 6(2020), 5-22.
17. Kh. Abolpour, M. M. Zahedi, M. Shamsizadeh, Tense and dynamic algebras related to GFA, Journal of Algebraic Hyperstructures and Logical Algebras, 2(2021), 33-46.
18. M. Shamsizadeh, M. M. Zahedi, Kh. Abolpour, Kleen's Theorem for BL-general L-fuzzy automata, Journal of Mahani Mathematical Research Center 10 (2021): 125-144.
19. M. Shamsizadeh, M. M. Zahedi, M. Golmohamadian, Kh. Abolpour, Zero forcing finite automata, International Journal of Industrial Mathematics 13 (2021): 477-488.
20. E. Raisi Sarbizhan, M. M. Zahedi, M. Shamsizadeh. L-graph Automata And Some Applications, The Computer Journal (2022).
21. M. Shamsizadeh, Single Valued Neutrosophic General Machine. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 49 (2022), 509-530.
22. M. Shamsizadeh, M. M. Zahedi, Kh. Abolpour, Languages of Single-Valued Neutrosophic General Automata, Journal of Mahani Mathematical Research (2022) 57-75.
23. مرضیه شمسی زاده, محمد مهدی زاهدی, خدیجه ابول پور همگون سازی اتوماتای نوتروسوفیک عمومی سیستم های فازی و کاربردها, 1401.
24. M. Shamsizadeh, M.M. Zahedi, On Reduced Fuzzy Multiset Finite Automata, Soft computing, Soft Computing 26 (2023), 13381-13390.
25. M Shamsizadeh, M Mehdi Zahedi, K Abolpour, Irreducible Fuzzy Multiset Finite Automaton, The Computer Journal, bxac193, 2023.
26. M Shamsizadeh, E Movahednia, M De la Sen, Isomorphism Between Two Vector General Fuzzy Automata, Informatica, 2023, 1-17.
27. K Abolpour, MM Zahedi, M Shamsizadeh, Lattice-valued General Orthomodular Automata, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 62, 2023, 13.
28. K Abolpour, M Shamsizadeh, Equivalence between an L-valued GOA with ε-moves and its ε-reduction, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2023, 108700.
29. M Shamsizadeh, K Abolpour, E Movahednia, M De la Sen, Vector General Fuzzy Automaton: A Refining Analyzing, International Journal of Analysis and Applications 21, 92-92, 2023.
30. M Shamsizadeh, P. Lolo, Neutrosophic General Machine: A Group-Based Study, Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 56, 2023, 28.
31. K Abolpour, MM Zahedi, M Shamsizadeh, On L-valued tree automata: The topological characterization, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 1-13, 2023.
32. M Shamsizadeh, MM Zahedi, K Abolpour, Assimilation of general neutrosophic automata, Fuzzy Systems and its Applications 5 (2022), 83-107.
33. M Shamsizadeh, MM Zahedi, K Abolpour, Languages of single-valued neutrosophic general automata. Journal of Mahani Mathematical Research, 2022. 57-75
مقالات کنفرانسی:
1. M. Shamsizadeh, O. S. Fard, Note on Fuzzy Isoperimetric Problem, The 43rd Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, University of Tabriz 2012, Tabriz, Iran.
2. M. Shamsizadeh, M. M. Zahedi, Minimization of General L- Fuzzy Automata, 4th Iranian Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, 2015.
3. M. Shamsizadeh, M. M. Zahedi, Kh, Abolpour, Quotient BL-general fuzzy automata, 4th Iranian Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, 2015.
4. M. Shamsizadeh, M. M. Zahedi, Quotient BL-intuitionistic general L-fuzzy automata, International Conference on Mathematics of Fuzziness, 2016.
5. M. Shamsizadeh, M. M. Zahedi, Intuitionistic Admissible Partition, In Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems (CFIS), 5th Iranian Joint Congress on (155-159). IEEE 2017.
6. M. Shamsizadeh, M. M. Zahedi, Kh, Abolpour, I-homomorphism for BL-intuitionistic General L-fuzzy Automata, 6th Iranian Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, 2018.
7. Kh, Abolpour, M. M. Zahedi, M. Shamsizadeh, A Dynamic-Logical Perspective on General Fuzzy Automata, 6th Iranian Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, 2018.
8. M. Shamsizadeh, M. M. Zahedi, Kh, Abolpour, Closure properties for BL-general fuzzy automata, 7th Iranian Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, 2019.
9. Kh, Abolpour, M. M. Zahedi, M. Shamsizadeh, Minimal realization of BL-general fuzzy automata, 7th Iranian Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, 2019.
10. M. M. Zahedi, M. Shamsizadeh, A brief review on (general) fuzzy automata theory, International Conference on Fuzzy Logic & Uncertainly Mathematics Theory, China, 2019.
11. M. Shamsizadeh, E. Movahed Nia, A New Direction on Vector General Fuzzy Machine, The 53rd Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, University of Science and Technology of Mazandaran, Iran, 2022.