Food science and Technology, sea food processing
Food Science and processing, seafood technology, fish technology, fish chemistry.
1.Ali Aberoumand, 2009, Nutritional Evaluation of Edible Portulaca oleracia as Plant Food, Food Anal. Methods , 2:204–207.
2.Ali Aberoumand, 2009, Identification of Fatty Acids in Edible Wild Plants by Gas Chromatography, Food Anal. Methods (2009) 2:208–211.
3. Aberoumand, Ali, 2009, Preliminary assessment of nutritional value of plant-based diets in
relation to human nutrients, International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 60(S4):
4.Ali Aberoumand, 2010. Edible Gelatin from Some Fishes Skins as Affected B Y Chemical Treatments, World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences 2 (1): 59-61. 5. Olumide A. Odeyemi, Norrakiah Abdullah Sani, Adewale Olusegun Obadina, Courage Kosi Setsoafia Saba, Florence A. Bamidele, Mahmoud Abughoush, Ali Asghar, Fabrice Fabien Dongho Dongmo, Darryl Macer, Ali Aberoumand. 2018 Food safety knowledge, attitudes and practices among consumers in developing countries: An international survey
6. Ali Aberoumand, Saeed Ziaei nejad, Frideh Baesi, Zahrah Kolyaee, Comparative studies of the effect of freezing on the physicochemical properties of the fillets of two fish species in Іran / Ali Aberoumand et al. // Food science and technology. 2018. Vol. 12, Issue 2. P. 31-35. DOI:
7. Ali Aberoumand, 2010, Storage Quality and Chemical and Structural Changes of Fresh and Frozen Thawed Fish, World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences, 2(3),251-253..
8. Ali Aberoumand, and kumars pourshafi, 2010, chemical and proximate composition properties of different fish species obtained from Iran, World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences, 2(3),237-239.
9. Ali Aberoumand, 2014. Preliminary studies on nutritive and organoleptic properties in processed fish fillets obtained from Iran. Food Sci. Technol (Campinas) vol.34 no.2 Campinas April/June.42.
10.Ali Aberoumand, Nutritional Properties of Some Novel Selected Fish Species in Khuzestan Province, Iran. Journal of Food Technology Research, 2014, vol. 1, issue 2, pages 52-59.
11.Ali Aberoumand, Impact of freezing on nutritional composition of some less known selected fresh fishes in Iran. International Food Research Journal 20(1): 347-350 (2013).
12.Ali Aberoumand, Protein, Fat, Calories, Minerals, Phytic acid and Phenolic In Some Plant
Foods Based Diet. Food Process Technol 2011, 2:3.
13.Ali Aberoumand, Studies on the effects of processing on food quantity of two selected consumed marine fishes in Iran. International Food Research Journal 21(4): 1429-1432 (2014).
14. Ali Aberoumand, Nutrient composition analysis of Gish fish fillets affected by different cooking methods. International Food Research Journal 21(5): 1989-1991 (2014). 15. effect Of Commercial Probiotic Lactobacillus On Fatty Acids Profile And Nutritional Value Of Cyprinus Carpio In Iran. F Baesi, A Aberoumand, SZ Nejad, MJ Baboli. Carpathian Journal of Food Science & Technology 9 (4). 16. Fatty acids profiles in fillets Pampus argenteus and Sparidentex hasta during frozen storage. A Aberoumand, F Baesi, Z Koliae International Food Research Journal 24 (4).
17. Ali Aberoumand, Proximate composition for Assay of Quality of Some Fishes Meals, Annals. Food Science and Technology, 2011; 12(1) 35–38.
18.Ali Aberoumand, Protein, Fat, Calories, Minerals, Phytic acid and Phenolic In Some Plant
Foods Based Diet. Food Process Technol 2011, 2:3.
19. Ali Aberoumand, Abdulah Yousefi. Comparison of Nutritional Value of Fresh and Processed two Fish Species. Agricultural Research & Technology. Open Access J. 2019; 20(1): 556185. DOI: 10.19080/ARTOAJ.2019.22.556185.
21. Ali Aberoumand, Saeed Ziaei nejad, Frideh Baesi, Zahrah Kolyaee,2017. Comparative Studies Of The Effect of Freezing on The Physicochemical Properties of The Fillets of Two Fish Species In Iran. Food science and Technology.11(4): 29-33.
22. Ali Aberoumand, Farideh Baesi.2018. Studies on Relationship Between Body Length, Weight And Elements Contents in Fish Chirocentrus Nudus Swainson (1839) In Iran. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences vol. 12, 2018, no. 1, p. 756-761 doi:
23. Ali Aberoumand and ,Soghra Abouali.2017. Studies on consumption of fish and seafood and its relation with the health of people in the city of Hendijan, in Iran. J. Bioen. Food Sci., v.4, n.3, pp.127-134.
24. Ali Aberoumand, Saladin Ayoubi. 2019, Investigating on The Effect of Freezing In Different Time Periods on The Chemical and Qualitative Changes of Fish (Giant Trevally). Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences vol. 13, no. 1, p. 456-461
25. Ali Aberoumand, Afsaneh Fazeli. 2019.Comparison Of Analysis And The Nutritional Value Of Fresh Common Carp, Frozen And Southern Canned Tuna. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences vol. 13, 2019, no. 1, p. 593-597
26. Ali Aberoumand, Abdulah Yousefi.2020. Effects of Processing on Nutrient Compounds and Sensory Properties of Parascolopsis aspinosa and Parastromateus niger in Behbahan, Southern Iran. Journal of Bioenergy and Food Science. Vol.7: e3022020JBFS,
27. Ali Aberoumand ,Farideh Baesi.2020. Effects of vacuum packaging in freezer on oxidative spoilage indexes of fish Lethrinus atkinsoni.Food science & Nutrition. Food Sci Nutr. 2020;00:1–6.
28. Nahid Amiri1 Ali Aberoumand2. Saeed Ziaee Nejad.. Effects of Beta vulgaris powder on growth and survival of common carp Cyprinus carpio. Journal of Fisheries Volume 7 Issue 3 Pages 714–718.
29. S Vostaiea, A Aberoumand, L Romiyani 2017. Improving of fatty acids profile of fillets Shehri (Lethrinus microdon) during freezing by packaging under vacuum system. ournal of bioenergy and food science 4 (2), 81-89.
31. F Baesi, A Aberoumand, Sz Nejad, Mj Baboli.2017. Effect Of Commercial Probiotic Lactobacillus On Fatty Acids Profile And Nutritional Value Of Cyprinus Carpio In Iran. Carpathian Journal Of Food Science & Technology 9 (4.)
Ahvaz, University, Scientific Medalist Award, 2002
2009. Behbahan University, Scientific Medalist Award.