Teaching courses in Islamic ethics, Islamic theology, moral philosophy, Quranic sciences, Quranic interpretation, recitation and interpretation of the Holy Quran, Islamic thought 1 and 2, knowledge of family and population in different universities and teaching various courses of Islamic sciences in education since 1378 11 years. Teaching political and ideological courses in different institutions.
And: Scientific licenses obtained from the Vice-Chancellor of the Supreme Leader's Institution in universities
1. Ethics: philosophy of ethics, Islamic ethics, ritual of life, family ethics
2. Islamic texts: Thematic Tafsir of the Holy Quran, Tafsir Nahj al-Balagha
3. Theoretical foundations of Islam: anthropology in Islam, political rights of the people
E: Conducting or participating in workshops and training courses
1. Presenting the seminar "Current banking system and resistance economy", 21/9/95, for 2 hours, University research management.
2. Presenting a workshop on virtual space, harms and threats", 29/3/95, 2 hours, cultural and social management.
3. Presentation of the seminar "The role of trees in reducing noise pollution from the perspective of the Holy Quran", 9/26/90, 2 hours, University Research Administration.
4. Presentation of the professors' consensus meeting, with the topic of "Recognizing the goals of Imam Hussein (a.s.) and how to preserve and promote them in the university and society", 9/9/92, 2 hours, cultural and social management.
5. Presentation of the "Media and Lifestyle" workshop, 25/9/93, 2 hours, cultural and social management.
Interpretation of Quran
Islamic ethics
Knowledge of family and population
A: Research records
1. (plans, articles and books)
1. Research project "Language of hadith (types of hadith formats in interpretation from the point of view of Allameh Tabatabai), Islamic Azad University, Behbahan branch: 2013
2. Articles
1. Specialized scientific article "The theory of the independence of the Qur'an against Allameh Tabatabai and the Akhbarites" (Binata Quarterly, Vol. 26)
2. Specialized scientific article "Magic in the Qur'an" (Binata Quarterly, Vol. 57)
Scientific research articles
3. "The nature of the punishment of transfiguration in religious teachings" (Qur'an and Hadith Research Quarterly, Al-Zahra University, Vol. 12)
4. "The role of trees in absorbing, controlling and reducing noise pollution (based on the scientific interpretation of verse four of Surah Manafekun)"; (Interpretive Studies Quarterly No. 14)
"Types of expressive form of Hadith in Quran Interpretation in View of Allameh Tabatabai" 5.
Types of expression formats of hadiths from Allameh's point of view;
(Journal of Novel Applied Sciences Available online at www.jnasci.org ©2014 JNAS Journal-2014-3-)UAE
6. "The miraculous wonder of the Qur'an in referring to the strong structure of iron and copper in the construction of the Dhul-Qarnain dam"; (Interpretive Studies Quarterly No. 18)
7. "Evaluation of spend verses provision of Shiites and Sunni point of view"
(Examination of the verses of al-Ahkam Anfaq from the point of view of Shiites and Sunnis) Academia Arena 2014;6(10)
8. "Differences between Muslims and Non-Muslims Limits Punishment from the Perspective of Khamse (Five) Religions"
(Examination of the difference between Muslim and non-Muslim Hudud punishments from the point of view of Khumsa religions)
(Journal of Social Issues & Humanities, Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2015)
9- "Meaning from reason; as the secret of Zulqarnain's victory"; Scientific-Research Quarterly "Research on Theological Interpretation of the Qur'an", Volume 1, Number 3, Autumn 2013.
10- "Moderate rationalism in the opinions of martyr Morteza Motahari"; Scientific-Research Quarterly of Belief-Theological Studies, Year 5 - Number 55 - Summer 2015
11- "A comparative approach to the problem of the "origin of evil" with the focus on "pain and suffering" from the perspective of the Qur'an, the Torah and the Bible"; Scientific Research Quarterly, Hozha Islamic Theology Association, 6th year, 20th issue, summer 2017
12- "Comparative historical research about the word "vow and its derivatives" in Hebrew, Syriac and Arabic languages based on the Qur'an and the Testaments"; Scientific and research quarterly "Religious Research", number 40, spring and summer 2019.
13- "Investigation of the possible role of Satan in the "physical diseases" of man based on the 41st verse of Surah (pbuh) and related narrations", scientific and research quarterly "Interpretive Studies" fall 2019, number 43.
14- A reflection on "Helping the moral education of humans through the control of some emotions using psychiatric drugs" scientific and research quarterly "Ethics Research"
15. Examining the interpretative doubts surrounding Aareeth verse 101; Scientific and Research Quarterly "Interpretive Studies" Autumn 1401, Number 51.
16. "Comparative study of the meaning of the term ``Days of God'' in the verses of the Qur'an and the Testaments"; Marafet Adyan Research Quarterly, about to be published for number 56, autumn 1402.
D: National conference papers
The second conference of student scientific associations of agriculture and natural resources, the importance of trees from the perspective of the Quran, University of Tehran, 2013
National Conference of Four Sides of Humanities, Shiraz, Bahman 2014, Semantics of Wilayat in Quran and Sunnah
National Conference of Four Sides of Humanities, Shiraz, Bahman 2014, Evidences of the Province from the Qur'an and Sunnah
Charso National Conference of Humanities, Shiraz, 2014, comparative study of meditation and yoga in order to calm people
Charso National Conference of Human Sciences, Shiraz, Bahman 2014, examining the commonalities and differences of zikr and yoga (based on the criticism of yoga)