Mostafa Moradi

Faculty of Natural Resources
Department of  Forestry
Ph.D. Silviculture and Forest Ecology,University of Tehran, 2014
M.Sc. Silviculture and Forest Ecology, University Of Thehran, 2008 Forestry,Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, 2005
Phone Number: 061-52721191
Update: Oct/06/2024


Publications with peer review process (ISI Journals)


1. Moradi, M., Marvie Mohadjer, M.R., Sefidi, K., Zobiri, M., Omidi, A. 2012. Over-mature beech trees (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) and close-to-nature forestry in northern Iran. Journal of Forestry Research, 23(2): 289–294.

2. Moradi M., Shirvany A., Matinizadeh M., Etemad V., Naji HR., Abdul-Hamid H., Sayah S. 2015. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal symbiosis with Sorbus torminalis does not vary with soil nutrients and enzyme activities across different sites. iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry, 8: 308–313.

3. Nazerian E., Naji H.R., Abdul-Hamid H., Moradi M. 2015. Phenotypic and Molecular Characterization of Neofusicoccum mangiferae, the Causal Agent of Black Locust Decline. J Plant Pathol Microb, 6:1.

4. Mirzaei, J., Moradi M. 2016. Single and dual arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi inoculum effects on growth, nutrient absorption and antioxidant enzyme activity in Ziziphus spina-christi seedlings under salinity stress. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (JAST), 18: 1845-1857.

5. Moradi M, Matinizadeh M, Naji HR, Shirvany A, Etemad V, Abdul-Hamid H, Nazerian E. 2016. Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi spores associated with Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz. Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences (CJES). 14(4): 363-371.

6. Moradi M., Naji HR., Imani F., Moradi Behbahani S., Ahmadi MT. 2017. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi community changes by afforestation in sand dunes. Journal of Arid Environments. 140: 14-19.

7. Mirzaei, J., Moradi M. 2017. Biodiversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Amygdalus scoparia Spach Plantations and Natural Stand. Journal of Forestry Research, 1-9.

8. Moradi M., Imani F., Naji HR., Moradi Behbahani S., Ahmadi MT. 2017. Variation in soil carbon stock and nutrient content in sand dunes after afforestation by Prosopis juliflora in Khuzestan province. iForest, 10: 585-589.

9. Mirzaei J., Moradi M. 2017. Relationships between flora biodiversity, soil physiochemical properties, and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) diversity in a semi-arid forest. Plant Ecology and Evolution. 150(2): 151-159.

10. Moradi Behbahani, S., Moradi, M., Basiri, R., Mirzaei J. 2017. Sand mining disturbances and their effects on the diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a riparian forest of Iran. Journal of Arid Land. 9(6): 837–849.

11. Basiri R., Moradi M., Kiani B., Maasumi Babaarabi M. 2018. Evaluation of distance methods for estimating population density in Populus euphratica Olivier natural stands (case study:  Maroon riparian forests, Iran). Journal of Forest science, 64: 230-244.

  1. Zahra Avazpoor, Mostafa Moradi, Reza Basiri, Javad Mirzaei, Ruhollah Taghizadeh-Mehrjardi, Ruth Kerry. Soil enzyme activity variations in riparian forests in relation to plant species and soil depth. Arabian Journal of Geoscience, 12, 708 (2019).
  2. Forogh Nasab M., Moradi M., Moradi Gh., Taghizadeh-Mehrjard R. 2020. Topsoil carbon stock and soil physicochemical properties in riparian forests and agricultural lands of southwestern Iran. Eurasian soil science. 53(10): 389–1395.

14. Moradi M., Jorfi MR., Basiri R., Yusef Naanaei S., Heydari M. 2022. Beneficial Effect of Livestock Exclusion on Tree Regeneration, Understory Plant Diversity, and Soil Properties in Semi-Arid Forests. Land Degradation and Development. 32(2): 324-332.

15. 1. M Zolfaghari Nia, M Moradi, G Moradi, R Taghizadeh-Mehrjardi. 2023. Machine Learning Models for Prediction of Soil Properties in the Riparian Forests. Land 12 (1), 1-15

16. S Behmanesh, M Moradi, J Pourrezaei, R Basiri. 2024. Does road construction have beneficial effects on vegetation biodiversity and tree regeneration in arid woodlands? Land Degradation & Development 35 (7), 2508-2517


Publications with peer review process (in Persian)


  1. Moradi, M., Marvie Mohadjer, M.R., M. Zobeiri, M., Omidi, A. 2010. Morphological characteristics and health of beech trees by diameter more than one meter (case study, Guilan province). Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research. 18(1): 46-58.
  2. M.R. Marvie Mohadjer and M. Moradi. 2011. Morphological and quantitative characteristics of mature beech trees (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) in two regions of Sistan in Guilan and Kheiroud in Mazandaran. Journal of Forestry Research. 19(3): 300-311.
  3. Sajadinia, S. Basiri, R. Fayyaz, P. and Moradi, M. 2016. Morphological and physiological impacts of cement kiln particle on Ziziphus spina-christi L. Iranian journal of forest, 8(1):79-89.
  4. Mirzaei J., Moradi M., Seyedi F. 2016. Carbon Sequestration and Nutrient Absorption in the Leaf, Litter and Soil of Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Prosopis juliflora and Ziziphus spina-christi Species. Ecopersia, 4 (3): 1481-1491.
  5. Alinejadi, S. Basiri, R. Tahmasebikohyani, P. Askari, Y. Moradi, M. 2016. Estimation of biomass and carbon sequestration in various forms of Quercus brantii Lindl. Iranian journal of forest. 8(2): 129-138.
  6. Mirzaei J., Moradi M., Seyedi F. 2016. Carbon Sequestration and Nutrient Absorption in the Leaf, Litter and Soil of Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Prosopis juliflora and Ziziphus spina-christi Species. Ecopersia, 4 (3), 1481-1491.
  7. Moradi Behbahani, S., Moradi, M., Basiri, R., Mirzaei J. 2017. Effect of distance from river on soil physiochemical properties, root colonization and spore density of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with Salt cedar. Journal of Water and Soil Science, 20(78): 67-76.
  8. Zolfaghari, Z., Moradi, M., Basiri, R., Ghasemi, A. 2017. Evaluation of soil physiochemical properties of Tecomella undulata in Busher province. Journal of forest and wood product. 70(2): 273-280.
  9. Imani F., Moradi M., Basiri R. 2018. Biological diversity of vegetation in the dunes after two decades of consolidation activities and afforestation (Case Study: Region Magran, Susa). Journal of Plant researches. 31(1): 206-216.
  10. Hoda Alboebadi, Mostafa Moradi, Esfandyar Jahantab. 2018. Effect of Biochar and Municipal Waste Compost on phytoremediation of heavy metals and total petroleum hydrocarbons by Ziziphus Spina-Christi (L.) Willd. Journal of Plant Ecosystem Conservation. 6(12): 261-277.
  11. Joukar Z., Moradi M., Basiri R. 2019. Distribution of rain fall in pure Tamarix arceuthoides stand in the riparian forests. Journal of Forest Research and Development, 4(4): 501-513.
  12. F Skandari, R Basiri, M Moradi. 2020. Effect of Quercus brantii Lindl and Cupresss sempervirens L. var. horizontahis on soil physical and chemical properties in Kohgiluyeh and boyerahmad. Journal of Plant Research (Iranian Journal of Biology) 33 (4), 894-906.
  13. S Parnian Kalayeh, M Moradi, K Sefidi, R Basiri. 2020. Coarse and fine woody debris and mortality rate of Persian Oak estimation in relation to some environmental factors in Zagros Oak forest (Case study: Tange Alamdar, Behbahan). Iranian Journal of Forest 11(4), 519-532.
  14. Moradi M, Ghasemi A. 2121. Carbon stock estimation of Avicennia marina (Forssk.) forest soil in Bushehr province. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (JEST). 23(3): 183-193.
  15. M Moradi, Z Barazionnezhad, R Basiri, E Jahantab, GH Moradi. 2021. Phytoremediation of Contaminated Soils to Sludge of Oil Reservoirs using Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC. Environment and Water Engineering 7(4): 658-667.
  16. M Darsanj, R Basiri, M Moradi. 2021. Intraspecific interaction comparison in Populus euphratica stands using Mark correlation function in Behbahan Chaharasyab area. Journal of Wood and Forest Science and Technology 27 (4): 81-95.
  17. Zolfaghari, Z., Moradi, M., Basiri, R., Ghasemi, A. 2022. Evaluation of spatial pattern Tecomella undulata R. in Bushehr province. Journal of environmental science and technology. 24(3): 131-143
  18. 1. Moradi Gh., Operajuneghani E.,Dehghan Benadkuki F., Ghanbari S. , Moradi M. 2022. The effect of green spaces on housing prices using Hedonic method in Iran. Environmental Resources Research, 10 (2), 279-290.
  19. M Maasoumi Baba Arabi, R Basiri, M Moradi, B Kiani. 2023. Distribution pattern of Populus euphratica species using GLK and J functions in Maroon Behbahan region. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 9(25): 21-35.
  20. Moradi, Gh. F Dehghan Benadkuki, S Ghanbari, M Moradi. 2023.Estimating the Economic Value of Tourist Attractions Using the Contingent Valuation Method (Case Study: Dowlatabad Garden, Yazd Province, Iran). Journal of Tourism and Developmen. 13(28): 65-78.
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