- Published Papers
- 1. M. Mortaz, S.A. Asghari Pari, M. Shafai Bajestan. (2018). Evaluation of pier scour reduction using combination of collars, slots and threading method. Journal Management System.11 (37), pp: 41-52.
2. D. Bidar, S.A. Asghari Pari, S. Mohsen Sajjadi. (2018). Experimental Study of the Downstream Scouring Pattern of Submerged Jets in Single and Compound Arrangements. Journal Management System. 11(36), pp: 59-68.
3. M. Kordnaeij, S.A. Asghari Pari, S. Mohsen Sajjadi, M. Shafai Bajestan. (2018). Laboratory investigation the effect of porosity obstacle and stepped porosity obstacle on control of turbidity current. Journal of Marine Science and Technology.
4. S.A. Asghari Pari, S.M. KashefiPour, M. Ghomeshi. (2017). An Experimental Study to Determine the Obstacle Height Required for the Control of Subcritical and Supercritical Gravity Currents. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering. 21(9). pp: 1080-1092.
5. M.A. Habib Mohammadi, S.A. Asghari Pari, S.M. Sajjadi. (2017). Experimental Investigation of the effects of Gabion Obstacle’s Height, Shape and distance of obstacle from entrance to Control the Turbidity Current. Journal of Water and Soil Conservation. 23(4). pp: 251-265.
6. M. Kordnaeij, S.A. Asghari Pari, S.M. Sajjadi, M Shafai Bajestan. (2017). Experimentally Comparisons of the Effect of Porous Sheets and Porous Obstacles in Controlling Turbidity Current. Journal of Water and Soil Science. 27(1). pp: 43-54.
7. L. Parchami, S.A. Asghari Pari, M Shafai Bajestan. (2017). Experimental Investigation of Submerged Vanes Shape Effect on Bridge Pier Scouring. Journal of Water and Soil Science. 27(1). pp: 29-41.
8. A. Roozitalab, S.A. Asghari Pari, S. Ali Asghari Pari, S. Motaghed. (2017). Numerical modeling of the Seismic Response of Shallow Circular Tunnels in Homogenous Layered Ground Using FEM Code ABAQUS and Compare the Results with the Analytical Solutions. Tunneling and Underground Space Engineering. 6(1). pp: 17-26.
9. L. Parchami, S.A. Asghari Pari, M Shafai Bajestan. (2017). Experimental Investigation of Flat, Curved and Angled Submerged Vane’s Placement Effect on Bridge Pier Scouring. Journal of Irrigation Science and Engineering. 40(1-1). pp: 111-122.
10. S.A. Asghari Pari, S.M. Mohagheghiyan. (2016). Numerical study of the effects of roughness, pattern, height and shape of roughness on controlling turbidity current by ANSYS-CFX. Journal of Marine Science and Technology. 15(2). pp: 66-77.
11. D. Bidar, S.A. Asghari Pari, S.M. Sajjadi, H. Hasoonizadeh. (2016). Experimental Study of Scouring Pattern Due to Orifice Submerged Jets. Journal of Irrigation Science and Engineering. 36(3). pp: 173-185.
12. S.A. Asghari Pari, S.H. Yazdanfar, M Kordnaeij. (2106). Numerical Investigating Effect of Obstacle’s Upstream Angle and Water Depth of Reservoir on Controlling Turbidity Current. Journal of Water and Soil Science. 26(2-2). pp: 207-219.
13. L. Parchami, S.A. Asghari Pari, M Shafai Bajestan. (2016). The Effect of Convex-flat Submerged Vane Angles of Attack and Height on Bridge Pier Scouring. Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. 10(4). pp: 444-453.
14. S.A. Asghari Pari, S.M. Mohagheghiyan. (2015). Numerical Investigation Effect in Using Plate and Tilt Columnar Barrier in Controlling Turbidity Current. Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. 9(2). pp: 357-366
15. S.A. Asghari Pari, S.M. Mohagheghiyan. (2015). Numerical study of the effect of creating protective pits in the bed on containment of a gravity current. Journal Management System.7 (23), pp: 1-12.
16. M. Bakhtiari, S.M. Kashefipour, S.A. Asghari Pari. (2012). Evaluation the effect of transverse structures on the flood plain using hydraulic model HEC-RAS in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Journal of Irrigation Science and Engineering. 35(3). pp: 37-46.
17. S.A. Asghari Pari, S.M. KashefiPour, M. Ghomeshi. (2011). Experimental investigation on controlling of sedimentary density current using constructing obstacle. Journal of Irrigation Science and Engineering. 33(2). pp: 1-15.
18. S.A. Asghari Pari, S.M. KashefiPour, M. Ghomeshi, M. Shafai Bajestan. (2010). A Study of Effect of Obstacle Height on Controlling Turbidity Currents with Different Concentrations and Discharge. 8(2). pp: 930-935.
19. Sajjadi, S. M., Kazemi, M., Pari, S. A. A., & Kashefipour, S. M. (2023). Effect of submerged counter flow Jet on hydraulic jump characteristics in stilling basins. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, 47(2), 1153-1164.
20. Asghari Pari, S. A., & Kordnaeij, M. (2020). Investigating the Effect of Different Arrangements of Obstacle on the Stepped Spillway on Flow Characteristics and Energy Dissipation. علوم و مهندسی آبیاری, 43(4), 33-49.
21. Ziniwand, Sajjadi, Haghigninejad, Mossib, Asghari Pari, Seyed Amin, & Shafa'i Bejestan. (2023). Laboratory comparison of the effect of artificial roughness and reverse slope of the bed in hydraulic jump control. Scientific Quarterly Journal of Water Resources Engineering, 16(57), 19-32.
22. Samadi-koucheksaraee, A., Ahmadianfar, I., Bozorg-Haddad, O., & Asghari-pari, S. A. (2019). Gradient evolution optimization algorithm to optimize reservoir operation systems. Water resources management, 33(2), 603-625.
23. Taghinia, Irene, Asghari Pari, Seyed Amin, Shafai Bajestan, Mahmoud, ... & Iman. (2021). The effect of energy consumption caused by the water jet exiting from the floor and the end of the relaxation pool on the length of the hydraulic jump. Hydraulic Journal, 16(3), 17-28.
24. Asghari Pari, Seyed Amin, & Kurdanaij. (2021). Laboratory study comparing the effect of porous plate, continuous barrier and continuous porous barrier at the edge of a stepped spillway on flow characteristics. Engineering Research of Irrigation and Drainage Structures, 22(83), 121-140.
25. Asghari Pari, Seyyed Amin, Razmkhah, Azin, Asghari Pari, & Kurdanaij. (2023). Laboratory investigation of the effect of the location of the three-dimensional continuous porous barrier at the bottom of the stair overflow step on the characteristics of the flow. Scientific Quarterly Journal of Water Resources Engineering, 16(56), 79-94.
26. Ali Dehghani, Seyed Amin Asghari Pari, Seyed Ali Asghari Pari. 2022. The effect of the opening of the lower discharge valve on the dimensions and sediment washing efficiency of optimal cylindrical and semi-cylindrical structures. The 5th National Congress of Irrigation and Drainage of Iran.
27. Farinaz Irfani Fard, Seyed Amin Asghari Pari, Lotfolah Emadali. 2019. Laboratory investigation of the effect of longitudinal expansion of the foundation on the amount of erosion around the bridge foundation. The 19th Iranian Hydraulic Conference.
28. Pouria Rezainejad, Seyed Amin Asghari Pari, Seyed Ali Asghari Pari, Mojtaba Kordanaij. 1400. Laboratory investigation of the effect of water height on sediment washing parameters in the dam reservoir. The 12th International Seminar on River Engineering.
29. Nima Atai, Seyed Amin Asghari Pari, Mojtabi Kordanaij. 2022. Laboratory investigation of the effect of depth expansion of the optimal semi-cylindrical structure on the parameters of sediment washing under pressure in the dam reservoir. The 20th Iran Hydraulic Conference.
30. Derakhshandeh, Mohammad Shafai Bajestan, Asghari Pari, Seyed Amin, 1400, Laboratory comparison of the effect of ice sheet size on the scour hole dimensions around the bridge foundation, 12th International Seminar on River Engineering.
31. K Habibi, F Erfani Fard, SA Asghari Pari, 2024,Experimental study of skimming flow on the stepped spillway in the non-aerated area using PIV, Journal of Hydraulics.
32. K Habibi, FE Fard, SAA Pari, M Shafai-Bejestan, 2024, Experimental and theoretical study of sediment scour around angled bridge piers, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering.
33. Nasim Rismani, Hossein Afzalimehr, Seyed-Amin Asghari-Pari, Mohammad Nazari-Sharabian, Moses Karakouzian, 2024, Influence of a Meandering Channel on the Threshold of Sediment, Water.
34. Seyed Amin Asghari Pari, Mojtaba Kordnaeij, Azin Razmkhah, 2024, Experimental study of flow characteristics in a stepped spillway with the installation of a continuous obstacle with different geometric characteristics, Journal of Hydraulics.
- Research Projects
- 1. Investigation of the proper conditions of occurrence of debris flow in the country (Iran) ,2006 ,M.E. Banihabib, S.A. Asghari Pari ,Iran Water Resources Management Company
2. Investigation the Effect of Obstacles Height on Reservoir Sedimentation by Turbidity Current,2010,S.M. KashefiPour, S.A. Asghari Pari ,Khuzestan Water and Power Authority (KWPA).
3. The Effect of the Diameter, Section form of Jet, Horizontal Angle and Distance between,2015,the Jets on Downstream Scour Pattern of Combined Jets in Horizontal and Vertical Across ,S.A. Asghari Pari, D. Bidar ,Khuzestan Water and Power Authority (KWPA)
4. Investigation of the effect of scouring in downstream river structures (case study: Shohada diversion dam),2017,S.A. Asghari Pari, M. Shafai Bajestan,N. Arman. Khuzestan Water and Power Authority (KWPA)
5. Field gathering of gate operating curved and associated structures in Shohada diversion dam,2018,S.A. Asghari Pari, J. Ahadiyan, M. Kordnaeij,Maroon Power plant, Dam and Irrigation Operating Company
- Journal Reviewer
- 1. Journal Management System
2. International Journal of Sediment Research
3. Journal of Irrigation Science and Engineering
4. Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage
5. Journal of Water and Soil Science
6. Irrigation and Drainage Structures Engineering Research
7. Journal of Marine Science and Technology